Hello! Welcome to my site!

This is the main website for the Meliora Collective- a DID system of 21 who draws, programs games, and has chronic wanderlust so bad it leads us to wander off into the woods to become loam rather then actually work on either art or programming. This site will mostly serve to host my game's updates, information about our system, as a place to dump art, and as a blog for my and my partners park reviews.
This is an ongoing project, and I haven't seriously done this type of thing since Gaia online or my really old like 2012 tumblr. So there may still be unfinished pages, at time of editing this message theres still multiple broken links. I'll update here every time I change something, which may not be often due to a chronic case of being in my late twenties, recently homeless, and queer juuuuuust in time for the world to crumble. Hopefully if I can get more time I'll be more active!
Recent Updates!(2/23/25)
-Added a page for Somniate and a page for the park blog
-Added Toyhouse link